Using our toolbox of unique tools

Every craftsperson has a toolbox full of tools and a number of techniques to help them bring inspiration into mind. In the same way, throughout our lives, we have discovered our own life tools and techniques, the ways and means that have helped us create our lives up to this point. Sometimes we forget about the tools and skills we’ve acquired, and we wonder why we aren’t moving forward. At times like these, it might just be a matter of remembering what we already know, and rediscovering the tools we already have at our disposal.

Photo by Anete Lusina on

In the process of becoming who we are and creating our lives, we have all gone through the experience of being inspired to do something and then finding the tools we needed to do it. If we look back, we may be able to remember that we used, for example, the tool of writing every day in order to clarify our intentions. We may also have used the tools of ritual, meditation, or visualisation to make something happen. In addition, we may have been fuelled by a new idea about how the universe works, which is what gave us the inspiration to use these tools.

In order for ideas to be powerful, they must be imbued with the energy of our engagement with them, and in order for tools to be effective they must be put to use. This sounds obvious, but often we fall into the habit of thinking we are engaging with ideas and using tools by virtue of the fact that we are reading about them, or listening to other people talk about them. In truth, using our tools is a very personal action, one we must take on behalf of ourselves. Like artists, we are each unique and no two of us will receive the same inspiration, nor will we bring it to life in the same two ways. To discover the truth of our own vision, we must take action by remembering our tools and putting them to use.

If this has resonated with you in any way, and you would like to start utilising your toolbox and gaining more inspiration, get in touch Work with me, improve your confidence and and see how much more you can achieve. Relearn how to live your life in the front row, re-take control of your own life. 

Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Get in touch today.

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022





The words we speak and think hold great sway over the kind of life that we create for ourselves. Many people live their lives plagued by negative thoughts and never even realise this. They tell themselves and others that they are doomed to fail, not good enough, or not worthy of love, yet they are amazed when their reality starts reflecting these words. Just as the subconscious mind accepts as truth the critical statements we tell ourselves it is also equipped to instantly accept the veracity of our affirmations.

Photo by Gui Spinardi on

Affirmations are statements chosen and spoken consciously. Once they enter our realm of consciousness, they also enter our subconscious mind where they have the power to change our lives. The affirmations you create should be specific, not too long, worded positively, formed in complete sentences, and spoken in the present tense as if what you are affirming is already true. It is a good idea to repeat your affirmations daily. You may want to tell yourself that you deserve to be happy or that you are in control of your destiny. Or, you may want to focus on a particular goal, such as attracting new friends. Rather than telling yourself you want to be well-liked, say, “I am well-liked.” Your subconscious mind will pick up on these positive messages, and you will begin to live your life as if what you are affirming already has happened. Soon, your reality will begin to reflect your affirmations. If you find that you are thwarting yourself with negative thinking, try repeating your affirmations several times a day. Write your affirmations down and say them aloud or in your mind. Allow your conviction to grow stronger each time you say your affirmations, and your negativity will be overridden by your motivation and positive thoughts.

Affirmations are a powerful tool for creating our desired reality. We consciously and subconsciously invite opportunity into our lives when we say affirmations. Trust in the power of your affirmations, and you will very quickly create what you have already stated to be true.

If this has resonated with you in any way, and you would like to start living your life in the driving seat rather than the passenger seat, how to work with affirmations and much more, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and learn how to maintain or exit a relationship. Relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life. 

Work with me. Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Get in touch today.

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022




Sitting with Feelings

All too often we set our feelings aside, thinking we will deal with them later. If we don’t deal with them, we end up storing them in our minds and bodies and this is when anxiety and other health issues can arise. It can take great courage to really sit with our feelings, allowing ourselves to surrender to their powerful energies. Denying what our bodies want to feel can lead to trouble now or down the line, which is why being in the thick of our feelings, no matter how scary it seems, is really the best thing we can do for ourselves.

Photo by Wallace Chuck on

One of the reasons we tend to hide or push aside our feelings is that we live in a culture that has not traditionally supported emotional awareness. However, as the connection between mind and body, our emotions and our physical health, becomes clearer, awareness of the importance of feeling our feelings has grown. There are many books, classes, workshops and retreats that can help us on our way to emotional intelligence. We can also trust in our own ability to process what comes up when it comes up. If sadness arises, we can notice its presence and welcome it, noting where in our bodies we feel it, and allowing ourselves to express it through tears or a quiet turning inward.

When we simply allow ourselves to fully feel our feelings as they come, we tend to let them go easily. This is all we are required to do; our feelings simply want to be felt. We often complicate the situation by applying mental energy in the form of analysis, when all we really need is to allow, as the earth allows the rain to fall upon it. As the rain falls, the earth responds in a multitude of ways, sometimes emptying out to form a great canyon, sometimes soaking it up to nourish an plethera of plants. In the same way, the deeper purpose of our feelings is to transform the terrain of our inner world, sometimes creating space for more feelings to flow, sometimes providing sustenance for growth. All we need to do is allow the process by relaxing, opening, and receiving the bounty of our emotions.

If this has resonated with you in any way, and you would like to start living your life in the driving seat rather than the passenger seat, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and learn how to maintain or exit a relationship. Relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life. 

Work with me. Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Get in touch today.

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022




Defence mechanisms

We all have defence mechanisms that we’ve developed over time, often without being aware of it. In times of trouble, the behaviours that have worked to get us past challenges with the least amount of pain are the ones that we repeat; even when part of us knows they no longer work. Such behaviour is a natural response from our mental and physical aspects. But because we are spiritual beings as well, we have the ability to rise above habits and patterns to see the truth that lay beyond. And from that moment on, we can make choices that allow us to work directly from that place of truth within us.

Photo by Lukas on

Most of our defence mechanisms were developed in childhood; from the moment that we realised crying could get us the attention we craved. Passive aggressive ways of communicating may have allowed us to get what we needed without being scolded, punished or laughed at, so we learned to avoid being direct and honest. Some of us may have taken refuge in the lives of others, discovering ways to direct attention away from ourselves entirely. Throwing ourselves into projects or rescuing others from themselves can be effective ways to avoid dealing with our own issues. And when people are truly helped by our actions, we get the added bonus of feeling heroic. But while defences can keep away the things we fear, they can also work to keep our good from us.

When we can be honest with ourselves about what we truly desire, then we can connect our desires to the creative power of the spirit within us. Knowing that we are one with the energy of the universe allows us to release any need for defence. Trusting that power, we know that we are exactly where we are meant to be, and that challenges bring gifts of growth and experience. When we can put down arms raised in defence, then we are free to use our hands, minds, hearts and spirits to mould and shape our abundant energy to create and live our lives.

If this has resonated with you in any way, and you would like to start living your life in the driving seat rather than the passenger seat, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and learn how to maintain or exit a relationship. Relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life. 

Work with me. Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Get in touch today.

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022




Knowing when to let someone go

It’s common to maintain a relationship because we feel the other person needs us or we believe that they will eventually change. We may also be afraid of hurting the other person or feel insecure in our ability to find new relationships. Just as a good relationship can have a positive impact on your life, stressful, draining, or imbalanced relationships can have negative effects on your health and well-being. But knowing when to end a relationship and acknowledging that the pain will pass can often prevent greater pain and feelings of loss in the long run.

If you’re in a relationship that isn’t satisfying or one that has become unhealthy for you, rather than spending energy attempting to fix a problem or complaining, ask yourself what you really want from the relationship. Consider whether the other person truly considers your feelings or if they are willing to change their behaviour. Ask yourself if you’ve often thought about ending the relationship or if you feel your bonds have atrophied. While every relationship has ups and downs, when there are more downs than ups or the two of you are bringing out the worst in each other, it may be time to sever the connection. Be honest with yourself and your answers, even if the truth is painful.

Relationships thrive on honesty, communication, mutual caring, and time spent together. When one or more of these elements are missing, it may be that the relationship, no matter how passionate, simply isn’t worth it. It’s far better to end a relationship that doesn’t feel right than to hold on to it and languish in feelings of anger or resentment. Moving on without struggle, on the other hand, can be the door that leads you to a more nurturing relationship in the future.

If this has resonated with you in any way, and you would like to start living your life in the driving seat rather than the passenger seat, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and learn how to maintain or exit a relationship. Relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life. 

Work with me. Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Get in touch today.

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022




You‘ll never know unless you try

There is time-honoured wisdom that encourages us to be game rather than to hold back when contemplating whether to do something or not.  The encouraging voice in our heads may say, “You never know until you try.” It reminds us that it is only through experience that we learn about this world and ourselves. Even if we regret the outcome, we have learned something, and the newfound knowledge is almost always worth it.

Your wisdom can be applied to situations both large and small. From crossing the Atlantic on a boat to trying some new foods. There’s only one way to find out what it’s like. We have all had experiences where we tried something we didn’t think we’d like and fell in love. We may have found ourselves stuck with nothing to read but a “boring” book, only to kick-start a lifelong passion for Victorian literature. We may have decided that sailing was not for us until we fell in love with someone with a boat. On the other hand, we may try tofu only to learn that it is truly not for us. In this case, we gain greater self-knowledge from the experience. And yet, we might still remain open to trying it prepared in a different way. The right marinade might make you a convert–you’ll never know if you don’t try it.

It is often said that at the end of our lives we are more likely to regret the things we did not do rather than the things we did. As an exercise to test your own willingness to discover through doing, try making a list of things you regret not having done. You may begin to notice patterns such as a failure to say what you really think at key moments or closed-mindedness to certain types of activities. Just being aware of the opportunities you missed might encourage you not to miss them again. There’s only one way to find out.

If this has resonated with you in any way, and you would like to explore your confidence in trying something new, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and see how much more you can achieve. Relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life. 

Work with me. Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Get in touch today.

Maggie Currie

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022




Editing your life

Our lives could be compared to an ongoing film script over which we have complete creative control. Within us lies the power to examine what works or isn’t working in our lives and make “edits” to our life’s script, accordingly. Choosing to actively edit your life can be incredibly empowering. As you evolve, you have the choice to accept the script you’ve written thus far or edit it so you can create a life that fulfils you. You can cut out from your life’s script what is no longer working for you. Acknowledging that you are responsible for the experience you create gives you the ability to create the life you’ve always longed for.

Granted, editing your real life isn’t always as easy as crossing out a line of text. If you’ve carried emotional baggage or held on to an unhealthy relationship for a long time, these may be difficult to edit out. But when you do cut out what isn’t working from your life, you’ll feel lighter and more alive. Editing out activities that you find stressful, disassociating yourself from people that drain your energy, and letting go of your emotional baggage are all beneficial cuts you can make. In the empty spaces that are left behind, you can add in anything you like. Just as you have the power to edit out negative situations or beliefs that you no longer wish to have as part of your life, you can now include the kinds of positive experiences, people, and beliefs that you would like to fill your life with. The manifestation of these thoughts and images as realities in your life will inevitably follow. As you make changes to your life, you can also add in the bits where you choose more intimate, healthier relationships, seek out adventure over tedium, and are no longer negatively impacted by old experiences.

To begin editing your life, simply think about your positive and negative experiences. When you determine what parts of your life are no longer serving you, make the commitment to remove them – though, it is important to remember that there is no proper timing or way to do this, and patience and compassion for yourself are always important during this process. Then, ask yourself what has brought you profound enjoyment and consider how you can make those experiences and beliefs part of your life now. With a little editing, you’ll be able to clear out what is no longer serving you and make room in your life for more happiness, love, and wisdom.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

When I am asked “. . and what is it you do?” I find it difficult to find a straightforward answer. Through my work I will help you to repair your feelings of weakness, brokenness, unworthiness, ‘unlovedness’, not ‘enoughness’.  Help you heal your inner wounded childhood pain. I will help you reclaim your power, build boundaries, release guilt when you need to energise and nurture yourself.

I take responsibility for my choices, and encourage others to take responsibility for their choices. There are always choices to be made. My clients get the results they want.

My ‘WHY’ is so much bigger than all the reasons for ‘why not’.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Trusting your gut instinct

Gut feelings (intuition, inner wisdom, inner child, higher self) get their name from the place in the body where they make themselves known.  A pang in your gut when you may be doing the wrong thing, or a vibrant zing when your body approves of what you are doing, can guide you reliably at times when logic fails. Sometimes, when logic, or our ego, takes over, we ignore our gut, we override the built in system,  and probably live to regret it.  We discover later that a rational approach is only one way of determining what is going on in a situation and how we should react. 
So where do the gut feelings come from within our physical bodies?  Our gut resides in the solar plexus just above the belly button. When it is functioning well, we can trust its guidance and adjust our actions accordingly.

Interestingly,  many of us have a tendency to ignore this area of our bodies.  We tend to take shallow breaths that never have the opportunity to reach this part of our bodies.  But it is in this place that we find the courage to act, to reach out into the world and to create change.  It is a place in our bodies that must not be ignored. When our gut is out of balance, we are timid and out of sync, wishing we had been able to say something or to stand up for ourselves.  Often we were only able to say what we wanted to say later when we were alone; telling the mirror how upset we are and wishing we had acted on the opportunity we hadn’t seen until it was gone.  Our gut had seen it, but we had ignored that feeling to our detriment. In order to get the most out of your gut feelings, make a definite effort to focus your attention on it more regularly and make the time to care for it. Notice what it is telling you, whether it is saying ‘this doesn’t feel right’ or ‘this feels good’ or ‘Don’t do it’. 

You can begin right now to focus your attention on your gut by taking a deep breath right down into your belly.  Feel that part of your body just above the belly button expand with the inhaled breath.  Notice how it feels. When you exhale, pull your navel in toward your spine so as to empty out all the breath completely before taking another deep breath right down into your belly.  When you empty completely, you release any stagnant energy and create more space to be filled with another fresh, nourishing breath.  The more you practice this simple, cleansing exercise, the clearer and more communicative your gut feelings will be and the more comfortable you will feel acting on them. Try it.  When you next get a feeling in your gut about something, take notice.  What is it telling you?

It will take a little time to get used to the feelings you experience.  But you will soon learn how it works. Learn to trust your gut instinct.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

When I am asked “. . and what is it you do?” I find it difficult to find a straightforward answer. Through my work I awaken people to their truth and their own potential, which they may not have realised. I am curious to find how far people can reach and attain.

I take responsibility for my choices, and encourage others to take responsibility for their choices. There are always choices to be made. My clients get the results they want.

My ‘WHY’ is so much bigger than all the reasons for ‘why not’.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Recognising your value

We often think that we are insignificant, although this is an illusion. Seeing celebrities, successful people in our community, or large corporations and comparing ourselves to them. We may then think that their fame or material power affirm how little our own lives amount to. But nothing could be further from the truth. Each and every single one of us matters tremendously.  Our very existence affects countless people in numerous ways. And because we are each essentially a microcosm of the larger universe, our internal experiences affect the whole of life more than we could ever imagine. The world simply could not exist as it does now if you, or any one of us, were not in it.

Maybe you believe that on some level you are sure your life does not matter. If this thought resonates within you, maybe it is time to explore why you feel this way. You may have formed self-rejecting or belittling beliefs as a child to keep yourself safe or to help you make sense of confusing situations. You may have felt unseen or unheard and decided that there was something wrong with you, rather than with the attention span of the people around you. Spend some time looking into where these feelings of insignificance first took root, and see what changes you might be able to make in your life and in your heart.

Your belief in your own unimportance could be limiting you and impacting your life in enormous ways. When you shift your perceptions around your own ability to affect your life and impact the world, you may discover wonderful parts of yourself that you had long ago forgotten. There may even be exciting new parts that you never even knew existed. When you gain awareness of how much your life really does matter, new sources of energy can emerge and your sense of connection with the world is renewed.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch. I want to work with you so you have more freedom, more fun, less stress.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




My approach to coaching

I am one of the top coaches in my field. You can trust my considerable knowledge, expertise and experience.  I have hundreds of hours of coaching experience. It is also vitally important to me that you understand that I know exactly where you are coming from.  I have been there. I have had absolutely no confidence in myself at all and have learned how to turn that around. That is why I am so passionate about helping you to be more confident.

I have many years of both national and international experience working with a range of people from 10 year olds to senior citizens, both male and female. This is complemented with of over 25 years of working in both private and public sector organisations and small businesses.

Coaching qualifications from Newcastle College, The Coaching Academy and Dawn Breslin Academy, Jamie Smart, Susan Jeffers along with NLP qualifications from INLPTA enable me to communicate effectively with all my clients so they can bring about the personal changes that they want.

In addition I have worked with Dawn Breslin, regular GMTV coach and international confidence coach, and with Susan Jeffers, author of ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’, and Jamie Smart author and Clarity coach to establish my expertise so people who want to improve their self-esteem and build their confidence can feel confident that I will deliver.  

Me with Dawn Breslin Me with Susan Jeffers Jamie Smart

My coaching programmes are tailored to individual clients, but generally include, but are not limited to:

  • Taking stock of the individual’s current situation and clarifying exactly where they are now.
  • Identifying realistic options.
  • Acknowledging potential stumbling blocks and how to overcome them.
  • Raising and discussing anxieties and fears (real or perceived)
  • Feeling positive about taking up the challenge.
  • Prioritising short, medium and long term goals and strategies.
  • Creating and executing a plan of action to move forward.

I am empathetic to all my clients and completely non-judgemental and totally supportive in my approach to coaching.  All my clients have benefited from my coaching and some have made massive changes to their lives.  Some have made small changes which have ultimately resulted in big changes later on.  You don’t have to make a huge change in your life to make a great difference.

I am passionate about coaching and I am on a mission to inspire everyone to find and live their passions – to be their authentic, true self. I feel that my job is to be responsive, flexible and enabling, to draw out the star in you. In particular, I am skilled in rebuilding self-esteem and confidence, enabling you to develop to your full potential. To do all this requires a holistic, lively approach to personal and professional development, from the delivery of the training and coaching through to on-going support. And I’m interested in your results – no ifs, no buts.

Expect to be challenged, to re-learn old things in new ways but, most of all, expect to change your life.

I am a published author and have published ‘7 Steps to Rebuilding Confidence in Yourself‘.  And  My second book, ‘What you believe creates your reality. The guide to creating the reality you want‘, is also published.  

Additionally I am one of the co-authors of ‘One Page Wisdom’ (Page 55) published by Life Skills Australia in November 2009. I also write regularly for the Huffington Post.

I have appeared on Solent TV discussing how life coaching will change your life.  I have been interviewed on BBC Radio Solent by Mike Powell and have been interviewed on two occasions by Coach Erwin de Grave on Radio Coaching discussing how confidence coaching is beneficial and also where coaching will be in 2020 and how it will have evolved. 

I have presented teleseminars for Business for Coaches on Thought Field Therapy, confidence building, the subconscious mind and also how to enjoy Valentine’s Day as a single person. 

All of us grow most when we are prepared to keep learning.  My professional practice is formed by a range of trainings and qualifications that make up my role as an expert coach.

Contact me today to book your first coaching session. 

Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant


