Bird relaxation

Finding innovative ways to really connect with nature when the weather gets colder and it becomes more difficult to get in touch with the marvel of nature as it exists around us can bring us closer to the wonders that envelop our lives. One way to do this is to perform a relax and or meditate with our feathered friends, the bird kingdom.

Take a few moments each day to watch the bird activity that goes on in your garden through your window. This can bring a sense of calm and well-being to your life. Watching and being with the birds that you share your garden space with you allows you to experience greater feelings of relaxation and gratitude for the diversity that is always present around you.  Simply watching, without judgment or expectations, heightens your awareness of the beauty of nature. If you watch the birds for a long enough period of time you will begin to feel a great sense of deep joy within you. Doing this with your family members will, in turn, introduce a relaxing and or meditative practice that can easily be shared and appreciated by all, as well as create deeper bonds with each other through the joy of experiencing the healing power of nature.

Looking through your windows and placing a feeder and or a birdbath in your garden to attract the birds is a way to call forth beauty into your life. As you consciously connect with your outer world, even when the weather inhibits you from physically being in it, you see that the splendour you view outside of your windows is simply a reflection of what lies within you.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and see how much more you can achieve.

You may not have realised how great your potential is. Are you curious to find out how far you can reach and attain?

I will work with you one-to-one to help you relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life.  Together we will reclaim your power, build boundaries, release guilt when you need to energise and nurture yourself.

Work with me, improve your confidence and see how much more you can achieve.

Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Over the past 19 years I have trained and worked closely with international coaches Susan Jeffers, Jamie Smart and Dawn Breslin to name a few. I have helped many people including celebrities to change their lives. My experience is vast and I want to use it to help you.

Make sure you know who will be on hand to help you achieve more freedom, more fun and have less stress in your life. Me.

Don’t leave it to chance.

Get in touch today.

Maggie Currie

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022


