Do you want to have more fun than those ‘lovey dovey’ couples on Valentine’s Day?

Come along to my FREE seminar on Monday 10th February, 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm, Riverside Centre, The Quay, Newport, Isle of Wight and find out ‘How you will survive Valentine’s Day as a single/divorced person’.

This is a fun and informative seminar to help those of you who are single, whether you are single by choice, bereaved, broken up or recently separated/divorced.

broken heart

Learn how to:

  • Focus on you – treat yourself
  • Make new resolutions – make yourself a Valentine’s Day promise
  • Keep away from strangers – learn how not to wake up next to a stranger
  • Host a ‘worst romantic comedies on dvd’ evening – laugh with your friends
  • Date yourself – learn to love yourself again

And so much more too.  Have fun at the seminar and go away safe in the knowledge that you are not alone and you can have just as much fun, if not more on your own.

Here is a testimonial from someone who attended this seminar last year:

“Maggie you changed my outlook on being single for Valentine’s that’s for sure, I bought myself a lovely meal, DVD and scented candle, cuddled up with the dog and had a lovely peaceful evening to myself, not a hint of bitterness in sight.”

So what are you waiting for.  Click here to get your ticket now!


Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves so that they can have more fun, live a better life and enjoy their work.







Huffington Post

Taking time for YOU!

My clients often tell me that one of the added benefits of coaching with me, that they hadn’t considered before they started, is that their hour and a half session can often be the only time in a busy week that they feel able to step back and truly focus 100% on themselves.  Hand on heart, how often could you say that you allow yourself to do that?

A lot of the time we get so busy ‘doing’ that we forget about ‘being’.

This was a revelation of sorts for me some years back.  I had something fantastically inspiring to aim for, I had the focus and drive to work really hard and I was making good progress.  And yet, I wound up feeling ill, stressed and fairly disillusioned.  If this was what having stretching goals was about, I wasn’t sure I wanted them after all!

Talking through how I felt with a friend one day, I was brought up short when she said “oh yes, you’ve become a human doing instead of a human being” and I thought about that all the way home.

teenage depression - teen woman sitting thinking

As I reflected on the previous few months I could think of few times when I wasn’t ‘doing’ and even fewer times when I’d consciously decided to take time out and just be.

So, how much of your time do you spend ‘doing’ and how much do you spend ‘being’?   If you had to divide a circle up with how much time you give over to each? What would it look like?  How big would your ‘being’ slice be?

With our busy lives and time-poor society it can seem impossible to take more time for ourselves, but at what cost do you choose not to?  My decision those few years back was to invest more time in myself, and I’m certain that I’m much more productive as a result.  I get more done in my ‘doing’ time now than I ever did when I was ‘doing’ every waking second of the day.  Plus, my ultimate decision was that it couldn’t all be about the doing and the destination or I’d miss the journey altogether.


So what time could you make for yourself to just be?  When could you next set aside an hour or two, a whole day or even more than that to relax and recharge?  How much better would you feel if you did?

Could you do with some regular time set aside to focus 100% on you and on making your life how you want it?  Have you got so lost in the process of life, that you have forgotten who you are?

I can help you with focusing on you and learning to be.  Contact me today and we can have a chat on how it will work.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves so that they can have more fun, live a better life and enjoy their work.







Huffington Post

Recycle, Reuse, Compost, Biofuel, Donate, Trash – Guest Blog by Lisa Arends

I saw a promo picture for of those hoarding shows the other day. It showed a woman surrounded by an impossible pile of stuff, trying to look strong, yet you could see the struggle etched upon her face. I did not watch the show, but I gather that she acquired and held onto these items out of fear, that she sees the piles of clothes of objects as some sort of talisman against the evils and discomforts of the world. This may have worked for a while, but eventually, as the stuff accumulated, so did its power. It now has her trapped, stuck, buried under the weight of that which she refused to let go of.

We see these shows or read these stories and wonder how they let it get so bad. Don’t they realize that the accumulations are smothering them? Don’t they know that many of those items are worthless? Don’t they see the freedom that comes from release? No, they don’t. They are wrapped in a security blanket of stuff that tightens around them like a serpent whispering platitudes into fearful ears.

We see these shows or read these stories and proudly declare that it could never happen to us. We would recognize that slippery slope and halt the accumulation before it grew to epic proportions. What we often fail to realize, however, is that we are guilty of the same behavior within our minds. You may not be surrounded by the tangibles of your past, but can you say the same for your thoughts? Do you let old hurts and pains clutter your mind? Are you buried under the weight of days gone by? Do you hold on to these memories and thinking patterns because you are afraid to let them go?

We hold on to our thoughts for the same reasons that hoarders stockpile stuff. They are known. They are comfortable. They fulfill some need within us, either real or imagined. It’s scary releasing those thoughts, those beliefs that hold us back. It almost feels traitorous, as though we are turning the blade upon ourselves. Yet sometimes branches have to be pruned back to let the light in.

If you have allowed your mind to become cluttered with unneeded and unnecessary thoughts, it is time to take out your mental garbage.


Recycle: Take your old patterns and thoughts and change them into something new and useful. If you have trauma or struggle in your past, how can you reframe it into something that can help others? Our brightest gifts often come from our greatest wounds.

Reuse: Repurpose a negative habit into a positive one. If you have negative mantras that echo through your thoughts, reword them into motivational sayings. I have a tendency to respond to challenges with the phrase, “I can’t.” I’ve reworked it into “I always said I couldn’t live without my ex husband and if I can do that, I can do anything!”

Compost: Use the decaying scraps left over from something transient and good, and turn the waste into fuel for new growth. There are often lessons to be learned from the low points of life. Let the sorrow feeds the roots of the young shoots of a new life.

Biofuel: If you feel stuck, turn the negative energy into fuel to power yourself forward. Anger can be a valuable, yet corrosive, fuel here as it has the potential to move you through the roughest of patches. Just be sure to release it once it has done its job.

Donate: Do you have any mental clutter that doesn’t serve you but can help others? Sometimes the best way to be thankful for what we have is to help others. Can you use your voice to help those that can’t speak for themselves or reach out to others that are where you have been?

Trash: Some habits and thought patterns simply need to be discarded. For me, the “what ifs” had to be thrown into the rubbish bin and carried away on the back of a truck, as they simply served no purpose and had no value.

We schedule regular cleaning for our homes. Our minds, which we occupy all of the time, deserve at least the same attention. So take a look around, inventory those thoughts and discard the ones that no longer serve you.

Lisa Arends

Lisa Arends works as a math teacher and a wellness coach. After using her own sudden divorce four years ago as a catalyst for positive change, she now helps people navigate their own divorces and transform stress into wellness. She loves to lift heavy weights and run long distances, and she is still learning how to meditate. She blogs at Lessons From the End of a Marriage and The Huffington Post.

Are you holding on to things you ‘should’ do?

A lot of people carry around with them a lot of “baggage” or “clutter” in their minds. When I say this I mean that they are still holding onto things that they say they ‘should’ do, but  they really don’t need to – For instance, the person who they had a row with, but both are not speaking to each other – but both want to. SO who will make the first move? ‘Should’ it be me or ‘should’ it be them?

The ‘coulds’ and ‘shoulds’ in your life that hold you back – you want to let go, but you don’t.

This is very common going through or after divorce.  You are not alone, I have done it myself.

Are you carrying around with you a lot of emotional attention that you could be doing without and focusing on something more productive instead?

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Are you like this?  If you are, I bet it has a negative influence on your confidence and self esteem.

Take a look at your life and get rid of this baggage by asking yourself some questions and by completing the following exercise.  In effect, what you are doing is making certain tasks “complete”, drawing a line under them and moving on.

Another term for this is “psychological completion” or just “completion”.

Answer the questions all in one go if you like, or over a number of hours/days. By writing the answers down they become more formal.

Get to it and watch your confidence soar!

  • Make a list of 10 things that you are putting up with at home
  • Make a list of 10 things that you are putting up with at work
  • Make a list of 10 things that you are putting up with in any other areas of your life

 Create an action plan to get rid of/communicate these things that you have been putting up with. Take action!

  • Make a list of things that are unresolved/unfinished in your life.

Create an action plan of how to reduce this number! Take action!

  • Do you need to clear the air with anyone? If so, just do it! Life is too short!
  • Did you ever say that you were going to call someone or keep in touch with someone yet have done nothing about it? If yes, call them or send an email to them today

Let go of as many coulds, woulds, shoulds, maybes, oughts as you can. Take action!

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By completing these exercises you will be able to focus more on the here, the now and the future. You will now be able to let go of some of the things that have been taking up your valuable attention units – those things that knock your self esteem.

If this hits home to you then please feel free to contact me. You are not alone. I would love to talk with you and help you to learn how to be more confident in yourself. As we all know, life is a school and we are constantly learning. 

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves so that they can have more fun, live a better life and enjoy their work. Get in touch today for a free informal chat on how I can help you.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves.






Huffington Post

Do you have feelings of inadequacy? I know I do.

Sometimes I have feelings of inadequacy and of not being good enough. I am not sure where they come from, but I sometimes wake up feeling that way.

I remember one occasion, I went to a breakfast business networking meeting, one I go to every Thursday morning at 7am, which means getting up at 5am to be showered and dressed ready to set off for business by 6.15am at the latest. Then a 10 mile drive.

Usually these meetings are full of energy and fun and are a pleasure to be at, but on this day it was a little different. One of our members had split with her significant other and moved off the Island and is now living with her parents on the mainland. This person will be sadly missed as she is vibrant, honest, straight talking and fun. So there was an air of sadness that she had suddenly gone. There were also some people there who were revelling in this news and making stupid comments, which I tried to ignore, as they were so unnecessary, and I thought it was shameful. I said nothing as I didn’t want to get into a stupid argument.

When the meeting finished I took some items to the DHL drop point to send around the world, as I do several times a week with my secretarial business. This should have taken about twenty minutes but ended up taking nearly an hour because the computer system wouldn’t let them put in the address and postcode I had for one item going to China, and a call to the helpdesk was needed, and this took forever. The lady who served me is also one of those people I try to avoid as she drains all the energy from me and is very critical of everyone and every thing. So instead of getting back to my office by 9am to get stuck into my work, I didn’t get back until nearly 10.30 and then I was all behind and annoyed that things didn’t work out.


I sat and thought about what it was that was making me feel inadequate. Not the fact that I was late getting back to the office. Not the fact that we had lost a great member of our networking group. So what was it? And then it came to me. The night before I had been talking on a fabulous phone call with two other coaches. The creativity and ideas were flowing from them, and what brilliant ideas they were. I am in awe of their power to think these things through so easily and clearly. So, I believe that I was feeling inadequate because I had absolutely nothing to add to these two brilliant coaches’ thoughts and ideas. They had done their homework fantastically and presented their ideas and innovations in clear and concise ways, and they were great ideas and I know they will work.

I feel that my strengths lie elsewhere, but at that particular moment I wasn’t sure where. I hate feeling this way and it makes me really upset to think this way. I know that I am a brilliant coach and that I do make a huge difference to people’s lives and that I will continue to do so. Having written all this I felt much better and know that I have a lot to offer but not necessarily in the same way as other people. I also know that I should not compare myself to other people, that is definitely a confidence killer.

Your life does not resemble anybody else's

So, to re-boot my confidence I have written a list of my creativity and innovativity (is that a word?) and here is the list I have come up with:

My creativity

  • Superb coach
  • Brilliant cook
  • Expert typist – Can set out a document by eye, and it will look great on the page.
  • Brilliant writer and author
  • Fabulously intuitive
  • Do my accounts satisfactorily
  • Create a good workspace
  • Create opportunities for clients
  • Create opportunities to get clients
  • Great supporter
  • Impactful
  • Great teacher
  • Create achievable goals for my clients and for myself

My Innovativity

  • Build relationships online and in person
  • Think up new ways for my clients to succeed
  • Find new ways for me to succeed
  • Lead by example
  • Positive and encouraging to all
  • Hear beyond the words

If this hits home to you then please feel free to contact me. You are not alone. I would love to talk with you and help you to learn how to be more confident in yourself. As we all know, life is a school and we are constantly learning. I really do look forward to hearing from you with your lists of creativity and innovativity.

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves so that they can have more fun, live a better life and enjoy their work. Get in touch today for a free informal chat on how I can help you.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves.






Do you want to slow down and enjoy your life? I will help you.

Since 2003 I have been  working on me, with me and not fighting against my life, I have learned so much about myself and grown a tremendous amount as a person and as a coach.  My clients have transformed their lives and become so much more than they were.  They have grown, changed, laughed, cried, loved, but most of all moved forward and are living their lives authentically and with more enjoyment and are putting themselves first. I have loved working with them all and watching them change so dramatically for the better.

Here are a couple of testimonials from my wonderful clients:

“Before I went to Maggie for help I could not handle confrontation and would feel in the wrong, even though I was right. I was sceptical about how it would work, but was surprised how calm I felt and ready to take anything on after my sessions. I still cannot believe how quickly it happened for me. Maggie exceeded my expectations, it was beyond my dreams and worked so quickly.” JH, IoW

“Maggie is such a wonderful person and a great coach! I have had the distinct pleasure of getting to know her. Maggie is honest, very compassionate and truly enjoys helping others to live the life they deserve! I know firsthand that she knows her stuff and has been a tremendous help to me in my journey! If your looking for life changing results, you’ve come to the right Woman!” TH, Michigan USA

“Maggie helped me to recognise that I was stagnating, and I chose not to do that any longer. I have changed my life dramatically in just one year, and now I am really enjoying my life and my new relationship.” LR, Gloucester.

Now that it is a brand New Year, 2014, I want you to work with me too, and I want to help you to transform your life. I am passionate about helping people to become the very best version of themselves.


When you work with me you will learn how to:

Communicate with yourself honestly and on a deeper level.  Accept and let go of the past.  Trust in yourself and in the universe.  Be honest with yourself.  Slow down.  Breathe.  Be kinder to yourself.  Find your truth and follow it.  To be grateful for what you have now.  To love yourself and others more. To be less critical of yourself.  Enjoy living in the now.  To listen more to yourself and others.  Talk less.  Recognise and accept your emotions.

I know that:

  • Your life is meant to be enjoyed. When you learn to let go of who and what that makes you unhappy you create a space where the Universe can begin to respond to your desires for happiness and contentment.
  • Silence, space and time on your own (to be able to hear your inner voice/truth) are necessary to cultivate deep inner peace
  •  Notice when you are stuck or depressed.  If you have been feeling stuck for a while take a baby step to get help, this will begin to move you through your current emotional state.
  • Spend time in nature regularly to reconnect with your source energy.
  • Make intentions and set your goals from your heart. Choose 5 feelings you would like to feel each day and apply them to each area of your life. This can bring instant joy and fulfilment.
  • Goal setting and aspiring to what you think your partner, your peers, your family, your friends expect you to be will only creates pressure and stress for you.
  • Listen to your body. Your illness, aches, pains, medicine cabinet and addictions may be blocking the signs your body is sending you. 
  • You are more beautiful than you believe you are. Learn to love all of you.
  •  Be quiet, don’t fill in the gaps. Listen more, talk less. Let go of control. It’s all going to be ok.
  •  Breathe deeply ~ Take three deep breaths every hour. Breathing deeply calms you down, it brings you into the present, it removes you from the future and past thinking …
  • Journalling regularly is a wonderful way to connect with your inner self. Write down three good things that have happened each day.
  •  You are more beautiful than you believe you are. Learn to love all of you.


  • Do work that inspires you ~ start slowly…
  • Take time to dress for you each day. It makes you feel great.
  • Creating your beautiful home, one which is gentle and relaxing will nourish and relax your spirit.
  • Let go and trust there is a greater plan for your life, even in the middle of absolute chaos you can find peace.
  • Say farewell to your ego, it works against you.  It is up to you to choose how you live your life.   Your life experiences so far, have led to you creating an identity which you can keep or choose to let go in any given moment.
  • Life isn’t meant to be so serious. Dance when you hear a beat, smile more, meander through a day, open up to everyone and everything around you, drop your guard….
  • Eat healthy food. Notice what makes you feel well and what makes you feel sluggish.
  • Let go thinking about the past. It’s over. Let go future thinking. It hasn’t happened yet.  Be in the moment, here & now!
  • Put your phone on silent. Call people back when you are ready to speak. 
  • Go to bed earlier ~ sleep/relax as much as your body needs.
  • Be more spontaneous ~ plan less, allow life to unfold.
  • Create a vision of your dreams, aspirations and goals – on a sheet of paper, on the computer, on Update it weekly and watch your beautiful dream transform into your daily reality.


When you are ready to get some help in making changes in your life, contact me to arrange a FREE 20 min consultation at I work in person, on the phone and via Skype.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves.




