Your actions do make a difference

I have been working with a client for the past 6 months, and it has been amazing to watch her change and grow as a person.  

I am so pleased that she is so much more aware of her own actions and how she ‘reacts’ to situations. She now realises it is better to step back and view the situation from the metaphorical distance and respond from her intuition rather than allowing her ego to react.

This is the wonderful testimonial my client gave me:

“The ride has been awesome…the support you gave me while I was driving at the wheel of my life and you were sitting in the passenger seat guiding, encouraging, and supporting me was fantastic and I so appreciate that.”

Your life does not resemble anybody else's

I learned about myself too whilst coaching, as all my clients teach me something new. It is so wonderful to be able to learn and teach and be open to learning more and more. The learning helps me to keep my ego in check and allows me to follow my intuition, and that never lets me down.

I have learned from my clients, my fellow coaches, friends etc., that when we neglect to recycle, speak up, vote or help somebody in immediate need, we deny ourselves the chance to make positive change.

By holding on to the belief that our actions don’t make much of a difference, we tend to ignore opportunities for involvement. Alternatively, when we see ourselves as important participants in our  ever-evolving world, we feel inspired to contribute our unique perspective and gifts to a situation.

‘Get back to me retreat’ Friday March 15th to Sunday March 17th 2013

Our actions do make a difference in this world, it is up to us to make sure it is a positive difference. Do you have a vision for the future?  What actions will you take to reach that vision?

Do you want to remain stuck and miserable? If your answer is no, start coaching with me today. 

Get in touch today and we can have a free informal chat on how I can help you to take action and achieve your goals.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves.






Looking at your values

Our values are often inherited from our parents, and they inherited them from their parents.  But are they relevant to us now?  There are many reasons why values change, sometimes they just don’t fit right.
I admire people for different reasons. for instance:
  • Rafael Nadal for his focus, hard work, talent.
  • Oprah because she is self-made, courageous, giving.
  • Mother Teresa for being selfless, courageous, honest, generous.
  • My dad (no longer with us) because he was true to himself, honest, kind, generous, loving.
  • My husband for being caring, loving, generous, selfless, hard working.

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There are some values that appear in several of those people and my values incorporate all of those and of course others. For instance one of my values is to be consistent in my life, whether it be working, relaxing or whatever.

Values will always changes as we progress through life. We will meet more people who we admire and perhaps some of the people we currently admire will change their values, and we won’t agree with them.

 Values change as our circumstances change, i.e. going through divorce and in the aftermath.  Now we have to focus on ourselves and not on making a marriage work.
I like to keep an open mind and check in with myself every so often to make sure I keep my values true to me.
Are there any values you have now that are not fitting right? Check in with yourself to make sure your values are true to you.

Get in touch today and we can have a free informal chat on how I can help you to take action and rediscover your values.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves.






Time for action!

As a very busy coach I am lucky enough to be in a position where, on a daily basis, the fascinating people I work with tell me all about their big dreams, grand plans and compelling goals.  Dreams, plans and goals that they have possibly never shared with  another living soul.  And I can tell you that there are some amazing potential futures out there for these people!

So what will be the deciding factor as to whether these big dreams remain as dreams or become a wonderful and vibrant reality?  A few words come to mind – clarity, vision, belief, motivation, support – all play a part.  But the deciding factor in every case is – will this person take action?  Will they act upon what they want and work towards making it happen?

teenage depression - teen woman sitting thinking

All too often people don’t realise their ambitions and make their dreams a reality because their aspirations remain as something that they think about, rather than something that they do or create.  Having put all that effort into the thinking, dreaming and planning they find reasons not to do anything about it. And the fail to write them down.  Only when the dreams and aspirations are written down do they become goals.

Interestingly, the most common reason that I hear for inaction is ‘no time’.  How often do you hear people say “If only I had the time”? We all have the same number of hours in a day, it is how we manage those hours that makes the difference.

There is such a time-poor mentality around these days that we often appear to believe we have run out of time, or that there is literally none to spare because it’s already been spent on the other stuff in our lives.  Time is ‘taken up’ by so many things that  when it comes to the big goals and ambitions that require action, we don’t feel we have any left.

Added to that, the nature of some of these wonderful dreams that people have (eg. retraining for a new career) mean that they can take a certain amount of time to come to fruition, and there can be a sense of “but it would just take so long!”.

The thing is though time is passing anyway.  Regardless of whether we take action, use it constructively and make it count, it is going by at the same rate.  The real key to success is to decide to use it in the best way possible for what is most important to us.

We allow so many less important things to drain our time when we could choose at any moment to use it in a better way, in such a way that we make progress and start heading towards where we want to be.  So that in a year or two years time, we’ll be in a different place to the place we’re in now.  Well on our way to one of those compelling potential futures.  Or perhaps by that time it will be our reality?

Is it time for you to take action?

Your life does not resemble anybody else's

Do you have a dream or an ambition in which you’ve invested lots of thinking and planning time, but haven’t taken action on?  If so, keep reading!

Ask yourself:

  • What needs to happen for me to achieve this?  What are all the steps?
  • What is stopping me from taking action?  How long will I allow these things to stop me?
  • What is the one thing I could do in the next 24 hours to know that I have started taking action?
  • Will you do it?

Get in touch today and we can have a free informal chat on how I can help you to take action and achieve your goals.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves.






You are great!

One of the most well known confidence building exercises is to list your own strengths and natural abilities. Be totally honest with yourself, blow your own trumpet where it needs to be blown, write down as many as you can.  By looking at the list you have created you will see how much talent you have, and it will make you say “Wow, I really am good!”

Another great way of building your confidence and getting in touch with how great you really are is to ask your friends,  your colleagues, your family and other people who know you for feedback on your strengths and natural abilities.

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As a practical exercise list 5 people who you know and trust.  Make sure they are from different areas of your life.

List them:

  • A family member
  • A friend
  • A work colleague
  • An associate
  • A social contact

You might at this stage be feeling a little nervous about asking these people for feedback, and that is quite natural.  Don’t worry though, because you will be only asking for your strengths.

Just go for it!

So, how do you go about it? Well, below are some questions that I’d like you to ask to each person on your list.

I recommend that you explain the context of the exercise however you feel is best, so they can understand why you are asking, and then email them the questions so they can email their feedback to you.

  1. What do you perceive to be my greatest strengths?
  2. What do you like most about me?
  3. What do you value most about me?
  4. What three words sum up the positive points about me?
  5. If you needed help with something, what would you call me to help you with?

They will feel honoured that you have asked them and the feedback that you will receive will truly make you feel fabulous and full of confidence. Rightly or wrongly, we live in a society where other peoples’ opinions affect our self esteem and confidence. By completing this exercise you will get some really good insight into some of your strengths.

Often you receive valuable information on the strengths that you didn’t even know you had!


After you have received all of the feedback you can reflect on what has been written or said:

  • How do you feel about it?
  • Are there any surprises?
  • Do you feel confident about your abilities?
  • How can you use this information going forward?
  • How can you maximise your strengths?

If all people you have asked think you have these strengths, so do a lot of other people as well – how does that make you feel?

  • What are the key insights you have learned?
  • What will you do now that is different from what you have done before?

You really are great, and I know you can be even greater with my help. Get intouch today and we can have a free informal chat on how I can help you.


Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

I am helping people to become the very best version of themselves.




