Are you really conscious of your thoughts?

You are constantly barraged, from the minute you open your eyes and ears in the morning until the minute you close your eyes and ears at night, with information – facts and figures, fiction, half-truths, music, news, stories, half-heard conversations, pictures and images. This information comes from parents, siblings, relatives, newspapers, magazines, school, college, university, colleagues, television, radio, advertising posters, books, magazines, films, fellow passengers, articles – the list is endless.  And this has been happening since the day you were born.

You would be surprised at how much information you absorb each week.

To prove just how much information you absorb each week and from how many sources, make a list of all the publications you read, the television programmes you regularly watch, the newspapers you subscribe to, the radio broadcasts you listen to and so on.

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Are you surprised at the length of your list?

How much of that information that you have listed do you think is having a positive effect on your life?

How much do you think is having a negative effect on your life? Again, make a note.

I bet the second list is far longer than the first.

You filter all the information you receive (whether you realise it or not) and you think you either store it away for future use (you believe it) or discard it as useless (you choose not to believe it).  But, unbeknown to you, your subconscious mind will store all the information away, just in case, whether, in your conscious mind, you think you believe it or not.  Your subconscious mind has remembered everything you have ever seen or heard since the minute you were born.  Your subconscious mind has very kindly done this for you without you even knowing.

Think about it, you see a poster flash by you and the information on that poster is absorbed into your mind in an instant.   You may not even have realised that the information has been registered.  So what you believe today could be entirely based on something you read on that poster this morning.  Alternatively your beliefs could be based on something that is hidden deep down in your subconscious mind that you thought you had forgotten about, but in actual fact it has been lurking there for many years, thanks to your subconscious mind.

This is an excerpt from my book “What you believe creates your reality”.  When you want to learn more, buy it, read it, take action – change your life. Click here to make your purchase.


If you’re ready to take control of your life, you have two ways you can work with me to solve your problems and regain your joy of living: One to one coaching, 7 Steps to Self Confidence Programme.

As a result of coaching with me you will grow into a new you.  You will grow in confidence, self esteem and self belief. You will become self-reliant and you’ll begin to trust and value yourself.

You will discover how to bounce back when life knocks you down and how to gain the valuable lessons from all of life’s experiences.

You will start to live the life you really want to live rather than one forced upon you by other people and circumstances.

Does that sound like something you’d like to experience?


I know that coaching and mindset changes work to change your life which is why I’m willing to guarantee my coaching.  If you feel your life has not changed for the better as a result of working with me then I will refund your investment.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Call me today (+44) 1983 754 666 and let’s start your life transformation.


Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

Coaching you to become the very best version of you so you can have more fun, live a better life and enjoy your work.







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S.E.L.F. – F – Freedom

What does freedom mean to you?

The dictionary definition is: ‘The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants’. It also says ‘The right to follow one’s own beliefs in matters of religion and morality’.

We all deserve the freedom to be who we are, which includes acting, speaking and thinking as we want, without fear of criticism, chastisement, ridicule, admonishment and anything else people can throw at us. We are all free to believe in whichever god we choose, or not to believe. We are all free to implement our own moral standards without judgement by others or of others.

We are all free to determine what we will wear, whether we will wear make up or not, how we like our hair to be done etc. Without that freedom we can very easily become slaves to the views of other people and lose sight of our own identity. Come along to my workshop and find out more about how you can achieve your freedom.


Remember, you don’t need anyone else’s permission to be you.  Be proud of who you are, stand tall and don’t hide in the background – that is not where you are meant to be.

  In September I am presenting a FREE workshop and freedom is one of the topics included.  Click here to book your ticket today and learn more about the secret of SELF.


Maggie Currie


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S.E.L.F – L – Life

What does life mean to you?

The dictionary definition is “The existence of an individual human being or animal”.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to just exist, I want to live my life with vigour and energy, to enjoy being in existence and to live my life to the full.


How can we all do that?  We can do that by choosing our thoughts, as they affect how we feel and in fact affect our whole body. How, you may well ask?

Well, the smallest unit of life is called an organism.  Organisms are composed of cells.  And our bodies are made up of millions of cells, each and every one of them attuned to what we are thinking, feeling, saying, hearing etc.

In fact, when we are thinking that we are feeling weak, all our cells in our bodies respond by being weak.  However, when we are thinking that we are feeling strong, all our cells in our bodies respond by being strong. Likewise, when we are feeling tired, full of energy, miserable, happy or any other feelings you can imagine, our cells are responding in the same way.

So the state of our lives is dependent upon making sure that every one of our cells in our bodies is working to our benefit and that is where feeling positive, confident and happy with our lives makes such a difference to our whole being, from the inside out. Be aware of what you are thinking and feeling, it makes a huge difference.

 In September I am presenting a FREE workshop and life is one of the topics included.  Click here to book your ticket today and learn more about the secret of SELF.


Maggie Currie


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S.E.L.F. – E – Energy

What comes to mind when you think of energy? Getting fit, running a marathon or something just as energetic? Well, that is one meaning, but I am referring to the energy we expend in our daily lives doing what we normally do.

The dictionary definition is:

  • the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.

In our daily lives we spend a lot of emotional energy worrying, decision making, hiding behind a persona we have created that we think other people want to see, and a million other activities that in themselves aren’t energetic, but use up a lot of emotional energy. So much so that we feel tired, get irritable and, at the end of the day, wonder what on earth we have been doing to feel this way.



But do we need to waste our emotional energy on some of these activities? No we don’t.  Some of these activities are, quite frankly, futile and others are a bad choice. But there is something you can do to save your energy so that you don’t end up frazzled, tired and irritable.  Come to my workshop and learn what you can do for yourself to ease this situation.

In September I am presenting a FREE workshop and energy is one of the topics included.  Click here to book your ticket today and learn more about the secret of SELF.


Maggie Currie


Follow me on:





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Epilogue – Australia Trip

Sadly, my good friend Heather Williams passed away today.  I was told by her daughter-in-law Sonia that all her family were with her and holding her hand and that she is now at peace.

I was also told that my short visit to see Heather had made her week, and she was thrilled that I had taken the time to visit her.


Heather Williams 1959-2014

I shall remember Heather as looking well, chatting to me in her living room, telling me all about her farm, her hobbies and her plans for the future, the two grandchildren due to be born in the near future.

I am glad that I made the trip, as I know I would have regretted not going to see Heather. I didn’t just want to offer support from a distance, I wanted to be there for her in her time of need.


I also surprised myself at how upset I was on hearing the news.  This is something I shall have to ponder to discover the depth of my emotions.

Rest in peace Heather. You will definitely be missed.  You are now another star shining down on us from above.

heathers funeral

7th August 2014

Finally, Heather’s two sons, Kristoffer and Rhys, rode Heather’s beloved Harley and BSA behind her hearse to the Crematorium.  I am sure she would have loved that.

Maggie Currie


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