Looking after me and manifesting for me

I have been offered opportunities this week and having investigated what they would involve.  I have accepted one and am considering another.

I was offered the position of tutor for an online life coaching programme that offers a diploma in life coaching and since I have done this course myself and passed it successfully (admittedly some years ago) I know what it involves and the basics of the course itself.

My job will be to mark the students’ work when it is sent to me, to offer constructive criticism and help them to become good life coaches. I will get paid for every one that I mark and an additional amount for any further communication with any of the students. Reimbursed for postage etc. So this will give me a regular income which is good.


The other opportunity is for using my coaching/training skills in a different way. Someone is in the process of setting up a new charity which is aiming at helping women to move forward in their lives following divorce, emotional abuse, addiction etc. I had a telephone conversation with the lady concerned yesterday and have sent her some information about my background, qualifications etc., so she can get a feel for me.

I am keeping my mind open on this one, as I have other commitments and I want to give my best to them, and if it means spending too much time away then I shall decline.

It is wonderful to have these opportunities and to notice them when they are offered. It is also good that I am considering my options and taking care of me first.  This is essential and not selfish.  If I don’t look after me then I will be letting myself down.

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I believe I am manifesting income and that I am manifesting exactly what I need when I need it. I believe I am learning every day more and more about myself and I am loving this journey of discovery.

I have some availability for coaching clients, we just need to fix some dates if and when you want to get started. Get in touch today.

Maggie Currie 

Creedence – Confidence for You

International Confidence Coach, Motivational Speaker, Author




