Getting out of your own way

It is so easy to feel “stuck” or that “life” is creating obstacles preventing you from getting what you want. It is also easy to look at everyone else for the problem, perhaps even wanting to “get rid” of that person we may feel is blocking us. Often the best course of action to take is to look inside ourselves first. When you are facing obstacles that seem to be blocking you from achieving your goals, try not to get discouraged.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Even though we truly want to succeed, there are many reasons why we may sometimes block our own efforts. It is amazing how often we can get in our own way without even being aware that is what we are doing.  It may be that we are afraid to succeed, so we subconsciously create circumstances to keep ourselves stuck. Or it may even be that we are afraid that we will succeed, so we block ourselves by making the achievement of our goals more difficult than they really are. We may even approach our goals in a way that keeps creating the same unsuccessful results.

If you believe that you’ve been getting in your own way, write down how you’ve done this. Write down the choices you’ve made that have hindered your efforts and the fears that may have prompted you to make these decisions. Take note of any thoughts and feelings that arise. It is important to be gentle with yourself during this process. Don’t blame yourself for getting in your own way. When you are finished, throw the paper away while setting an intention that you are getting rid of any obstacles you’ve created to block yourself. Start again with a clean slate. Doubts and fears are going to be natural, but with this new awareness, you should be able to prevent yourself from subconsciously thwarting yourself. Besides, now that you’ve decided to get out of your own way, the part of you that has always wanted to succeed can allow you to do just that.

If this has resonated with you in any way, and you would like to start living your life in the driving seat rather than the passenger seat, how to work with affirmations and much more, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and learn how to maintain or exit a relationship. Relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life. 

Work with me. Many people don’t realise the importance of securing a qualified, experienced and expert coach to help rebuild their confidence in themselves. It is just as important as a mechanic for a garage or a chef for a restaurant.

Get in touch today.

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022




The hare and the tortoise

Different people take life at differing speeds as the classic tale of the hare and the tortoise reminds us, and that one way is not necessarily superior to another. In fact, as we learn in the story it is the slower animal that ends up arriving at the destination first. In the same way, some of us seem to move very quickly through the obstacles and issues we all face in our lives. Others need longer periods of time to process their feelings and move into new states of awareness. For those who perceive themselves as moving quickly, it can be painful and exasperating to deal with someone else’s slower pace. Yet, just like the hare and the tortoise, we all arrive at the same destination together, eventually.

In the world today people who take their time with things are probably in the minority. We live in a time when speed and productivity are valued above almost anything else. Therefore, people who flow at a slower pace are considered to be out of sync with the world and are often pestered and prodded to go faster and do more. This can be not only frustrating but also counterproductive because the stress of being pushed to move faster than one is able to move actually slows progress. More haste, less speed comes to mind. On the other hand, if a person’s style is honoured and supported, they will find their way in their own time and, just like the tortoise, they might just beat the speedier, more easily distracted person to the finish line.

It’s important to remember that we are not actually in a race to get somewhere ahead of someone else, and it is difficult to judge by appearances whether one person has made more progress than another. Whether you count yourself among the fast movers or as one of the slower folks, we can all benefit from respecting the pace that those around us choose for themselves. This way, we can keep our eyes on our own journey, knowing that we will all end up together in the end.

f this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch. Work with me, improve your confidence and see how much more you can achieve.

Working with me and learning to live life like you and not how you think other people want you to be will bring you more freedom, more fun and less stress.  Relearn how to live your life in the front row, take control of your own life. 

Get in touch today.

Maggie Currie

Multi Award Winning Transformational Coach & Author

Southern Enterprise Awards: Most Empowering Transformation Coach 2021

Southern Enterprise Awards: Transformational Coach of the Year 2022




Know Your Food

Food provides us with the energy that enables us to grow and prosper. The food we eat is a multidimensional aspect of our lives. Yet it can be, and frequently is, much, much more. Our food can be an experience in and of itself if we allow it to be. The meals we remember from childhood can offer unmatched comfort or memories of horror. The act of preparing meals can be an art form of the highest calibre. And the nourishment we derive from this fare promotes wellness within us. But many of us, distracted by daily life, forget that the profound pleasures of eating go beyond simple sustenance. We eat foods that are convenient or we eat unconsciously, snacking on whatever happens to be on hand. To understand the true value of food and the impact it can have on our lives, we should acknowledge and honour it by eating close to the earth.

If you have ever shelled and eaten your own garden-grown peas or bitten into a sun-warmed apple freshly plucked from its tree, you likely understand that there is a marked difference between these foods and those that are processed and stacked on supermarket shelves. Food recently picked contains more of its original life force and thus has a greater store of energy and nutrients. You can ensure you are eating close to the earth and enjoying the many benefits of doing so by shopping at a local farmers market, or your local greengrocer and getting to know the individuals who grow your food. If you make the experience of shopping in this way enjoyable, you will probably be more ready to reject more convenient canned, packaged, and frozen foods in favour of the real delight you feel while browsing stalls of fresh foods nourished by the same soil you can find in your own garden. You will soon learn which foods are in season in your area and how to prepare them.

As you savour the vivid flavours of juicy ripe fruits and the hearty crunch of unprocessed vegetables, you can also take pleasure in the fact that, by eating close to the earth, you are supporting farmers in your local area, connecting with your local ecosystem, discouraging those who would waste precious fossil fuels by carting produce cross-country, and helping to preserve healthy culinary traditions that have existed for centuries.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

When I am asked “. . and what is it you do?” I find it difficult to find a straightforward answer. Through my work I awaken people to their truth and their own potential, which they may not have realised. I am curious to find how far people can reach and attain.

I take responsibility for my choices, and encourage others to take responsibility for their choices. There are always choices to be made. My clients get the results they want.

My ‘WHY’ is so much bigger than all the reasons for ‘why not’.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Create your supportive life story

Your life is filled with relationships and events which help shape who you are and affect what you believe to be true about your life and the world in general.  Everyone has their own life story. Depending on your perspective and your willingness or not to grow, your experiences can become fodder for negativity and possible patterns for playing the victim.  Alternatively they can fuel your life with empowerment and continued self-development.  It is the story you tell yourself about what happens that makes all the difference.

Take a moment to look at the life story you are creating for yourself on an ongoing basis. If you are feeling peaceful about the past and trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way, then you are framing circumstances in a manner that serves you well. On the other hand, if you retain a lot of guilt or resentment and often feel weighed down by life, you may want to change your perspective of the versions of past and present events. No matter who the characters are in your story or what they have done, you are the only one who can give their actions the meaning they will have for you. You are the only one who can define what role you will play in your own life. By taking responsibility for your story, you are able to learn and grow, forgive and find compassion, and most importantly, move on into a brighter future.

From now on, choose a life story that supports you. Let it be proof of your own resilience and creativity. Be kind with the roles you give yourself and generous with how many chances you get to learn what you need to know. When you remember that you are the author of your own story, you are free to create a masterpiece.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

When I am asked “. . and what is it you do?” I find it difficult to find a straightforward answer. Through my work I awaken people to their truth and their own potential, which they may not have realised. I am curious to find how far people can reach and attain.

I take responsibility for my choices, and encourage others to take responsibility for their choices. There are always choices to be made. My clients get the results they want.

My ‘WHY’ is so much bigger than all the reasons for ‘why not’.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Feelings of guilt about being happy

We all deserve happiness in our lives and is an experience we all long for. We may wish for the happiness that comes with a much-needed holiday or an exciting new relationship, yet when the actual experience of happiness emerges, we may be too overcome with guilt to enjoy it. You may find relief in looking at the beliefs you hold about yourself and what it means for you to be happy, If guilt is interfering with your ability to feel joy.

Guilt about feeling happy can pop up for different reasons. Deep down you may believe that you don’t deserve to be happy because you think you hurt someone in the past, perceived you had more than others growing up, or maybe you received a nasty comment from someone you admired. Perhaps it once seemed that painful experiences always followed happy ones; now whenever you begin to feel happy, you find yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop. Happiness may even just feel uncomfortable because you’ve got so used to feeling down. The truth is that when you feel too guilty to let yourself enjoy positive emotions, you are denying a part of yourself that has a right to exist. By limiting your life experience to just the negative feelings, you are cutting yourself off from the fullness of life  which includes all of the positive emotions as well. Fortunately, you can begin to shift the way you respond to happiness even in this moment.

From now on, when you begin to feel happy, try to accept it, relish in it, ask it to stay. It’s okay to feel happy even if you believe you don’t deserve it. Feeling good is an expression of your wholeness and your connection with life. The next time happiness appears for you, try not to feel guilty about it. Instead, welcome your happiness in like a long-awaited friend.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch. I want to work with you so you have more freedom, more fun, less stress.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Natural sleep cycles

As humans we are designed to fall asleep soon after darkness falls and to wake as it gets light at dawn. Sleep cycles were governed by patterns of darkness and light for thousands of years, meaning that for much of history, humanity has enjoyed nine of more hours of sleep each night. The human body is naturally encoded to respond to light and dark and to sleeping with the rhythms of Mother Nature.  These days, artificial light has changed the way we schedule our day-to-day lives, and most people sleep for less than seven hours at a stretch.  It is possible, however, to come back to natural sleeping cycles by making a few small changes. When our bodies and minds are attuned to the world’s natural rhythms, we feel calmer, more centred, and more energetic while awake.  Sleep is more satisfying because we afford ourselves more than enough time for restoration and rejuvenation.

Our use of indoor lighting further compounds our disassociation from the natural cycles of light and darkness that would otherwise encourage our sleep. You can mimic the passage of the day by changing the quality of the light. Sleeping without heavy curtains or blackout blinds is best so you can wake up with the sun. If sleeping by a window without a curtain is not an option, a dawn simulator lamp imitates the sun by growing steadily brighter with the coming of the morning.

You may discover that changing your sleep patterns to be in sync with the daily cycle of light and darkness is easy and that you feel more alive when your sleeping and waking rhythms are in alignment to those of the earth. Nature’s own phases will be your guide to wellness, granting you more waking hours in the summertime when you will benefit greatly from spending time outside and ensuring you get plenty of sleep in the winter when you likely need it most.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Feeling Depleted

Sometimes it seems our bodies are running on empty. We are not sick, nor are we necessarily pushing ourselves to the limit but it seems the energy we typically have has mysteriously dissipated, leaving only fatigue. Many people become accustomed to feeling this way because they do not know that it is possible to exist in any other state. The body’s natural state, however, is one of energy, clarity, and balance. Cultivating these virtues in our own bodies so that we can combat feelings of depletion is a matter of developing a refined awareness of ourselves and then making changes based on our observations.

Take a couple of moments of focused self-examination, assess your recent schedule, diet, and general health which will help you zero in on the factors causing your depletion. If you are struggling to cope with an overfull agenda, prioritising what is really important can provide you with more time to sleep and otherwise refresh yourself. Changing your eating habits so you eat plenty of nutritious foods may serve to restore your vigour. Identifying the source of your exhaustion will occasionally be more complicated than spotting a void in your lifestyle and filling it with some form of literal nourishment. Since your earthly and ethereal forms are so intimately entwined, matters of the mind and heart can take their toll on your physical self. Intense emotions such as anger, sadness, jealousy, and regret need fuel to manifest in your consciousness, and this fuel is more often than not corporeal energy. Conversely, a lack of mental and emotional stimulation may leave you feeling listless and lethargic.

When you can accept that the underlying cause of depletion might be more complex than you at first imagined, coping with the physical depletion and healing will be easier.  A harried lifestyle or a diet low in vital nutrients can represent only one part of a larger issue affecting your mood, stamina, and energy levels. When you believe that you are ultimately in control of how you feel, you will be empowered to transform yourself and your day-to-day life so that lasting fatigue can no longer gain a foothold in your existence.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Bad Days

It feels like the world is against us when we have a bad day or that the turmoil we are experiencing will never end. One negative circumstance seems to lead to another. On a bad day, we may wonder whether anything in our lives will ever go right again. But a bad day, like any other day, can be a gift. Having a bad day can show us that it is time to slow down, change course, or lighten up. A bad day can help us glean wisdom we might otherwise have overlooked or discounted. Bad days can certainly cause us to experience uncomfortable feelings we would prefer to avoid, yet a bad day may also give us a potent means to learn about ourselves.

It may be we think a bad day is one where we’ve missed an important meeting because the car stalled, the dryer broke, or we received a piece of very bad news earlier in the morning. Multiple misfortunes that take place one after the other can leave us feeling vulnerable and intensely cognizant of our fragility. But bad days can only have a long-term negative effect on us if we allow them. It is better to ask ourselves what we can learn from these kinds of days. The state of our bad day may be an indicator that we need to stay in and hibernate or let go of our growing negativity.

Bad days contribute to the people we become. A bad day can teach us patience and perseverance though we may feel discouraged and distressed on our bad days. It is important to remember that our attitudes drive our destiny and that one negative experience does not have to be the beginning of an ongoing stroke of bad luck. A bad day is memorable because it is one day among many good days — otherwise, we wouldn’t even bother to acknowledge it as a bad day. Know too, that everybody has bad days, you are not alone, the world is not against you. Tomorrow is guaranteed to be a brighter day.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you. Get in touch today to book your coaching sessions.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Embracing New Information

We are living in an information age.  We can easily be overwhelmed by the constant influx of scientific studies, breaking news, coming to us over the radio waves, via the tv and landing in our in-boxes. No sooner have we decided what to eat or how to think about the universe than a new study or book comes out confounding our well-researched opinion. After a while, we may be tempted to dismiss or ignore new information in the interest of stabilising our point of view, and this is understandable. Rather than closing down, we might try instead to remain open by allowing our intuition to guide us.

For example, contradictory studies concerning foods considered to be good for you and foods that are considered to be bad for you are plentiful. At a certain point, though, we can feel for ourselves whether coffee or tomatoes are good for us or not. The answer is of course different for each of us, and this is something that a scientific study can’t take into account. All we can do is take in the information and process it through our own systems of understanding. In the end, only we can decide what information, ideas, and concepts we will integrate. Remaining open allows us to continually change and shift by checking in with ourselves as we learn new information. It keeps us flexible and alert, and while it can feel a bit like being thrown off balance all the time, this openness is essential to the process of growth and expansion.

Perhaps the key is realising that we are not going to finally get to some stable place of having it all figured out. Throughout our lives we will go through the processes of opening to new information, integrating it, and stabilising our worldview. No sooner will we have reached some kind of stability than it will be time to open again to new information, which is inherently destabilising. If we can imagine ourselves as surfers riding the incoming waves of information and inspiration, always open and willing to attune ourselves to the next shift, we will see how blessed we are to have this opportunity to play on the waves and, most of all, to enjoy the ride.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant




Being Gentle with yourself

There are times when our lives are filled with what seems to be constant change and growth, at those times it is vital to remember that we need to be gentle with ourselves. Since it can be easy to use our energy to keep up with the momentum of our lives, we may not be aware of the fact that we are much more likely to run ourselves down. When things seem to be moving quickly, it is especially essential that we make a point to slow down and be gentle with ourselves.

It might be difficult to notice what is happening to you for you may be so caught up in the whirlwind of your life that you lose sight of the direction in which things are heading. Being gentle with yourself doesn’t mean that you don’t accomplish things. Instead it means that you honour yourself on an ongoing basis and take care of the needs of your body.

This means different things to different people. For instance, it could mean having a session with a therapist; eating better, or getting extra sleep. Putting your energy into yourself in this way helps create space for a more positive, loving, and accepting view of your life. By setting the intention to do so, you will be more cognisant of your energy levels on a daily basis and more able to replenish them as needed.

The more we are all able to treat our bodies with gentleness, the more tenderness and compassion we will call forth into our lives. Learning to understand and pay attention to what our self needs will in turn allow us to fill our lives with unlimited loving and healing energy and to truly take care of the things that mean the most to us.

If this has resonated with you in any way, please get in touch.

I offer coaching and mentoring to you – for you to make the changes you want to in your life. Build your confidence in your abilities.  Read my clients’ testimonials here. To help you to have more fun, more freedom and less stress. That is it. There is no catch. I believe in you.

Maggie Currie

Professional Transformational Coach, Consultant


